Saturday, November 7, 2009 . Shine's entry :)
12:00 PM

Hi all, for me, I actually visualized what the DiD tour will be like according to what Andres told us previously- the visually impaired becoming superheroes in the dark while we will suddenly become helpless and vulnerable. Also, I expected there to be a lot of chaos in the dark, a lot of banging into one another and hitting one another with the cane. But one thing I did not expect is the darkness. As in, I know it will be dark. But, I didn’t know it would be “that” dark to the extent you can’t see anything on matter how hard you struggle to. And in the first few minutes when we entered the exhibition, I struggled. I kind of had a “panic attack” where I felt fearful and helpless and wanted to find a way out quickly.

My greatest take-away from the DiD tour experience was something that one of the pre-tour personnel said. She said something like, “don’t worry and let the guides lead you to the light.” When I first heard this, I laughed. Not because I think it’s impossible, but to me, I thought that it was cheesy. But as we went further and further in the tour, I find everything she said coming to pass. The guide did lead us into the light and it’s not just about bringing us out from the exhibition safely. It’s about bringing us out from the pre-conceived notion that the visually impaired are always less productive in terms of work and more vulnerable than us. After this tour, I started thinking that it is not true. Given the platform, these visually impaired can also shine and make a positive impact in society. And instead of us “helping” them, it may well be the other way round.

I once heard the saying, “the greatness of your dream depends on the number of dreams it can hold.” And to me, DiD is like a big dream that holds on the many other dreams. Through DiD, many visually impaired get to realize their dreams. They get empowered and get to give back to the society. Not only so, DiD also educates and changes the perceptions of the general public. And as a learning model, it is a good example set for us to learn and practice before we leave the Ngee Ann shelter.

For me, I think BZSE students can help to come up with marketing plans and strategies to market DiD to the public. So that not only will DiD earn more profits, it can also expand its reach to the general public.



Welcome to the blog of BZSE 2008 about our takeaways after visiting the one-and-only Dialogue-in-the-Dark (DiD) exhibition in Singapore, at Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
BZSE 2008 represents the pioneer cohort of students from the Diploma in Business & Social Enterprise (BZSE), the one-and-only such diploma programme in Singapore.

BZSE is housed in the School of Humanities in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. It's the coolest diploma ever - we learn about creating businesses with a social cause.

Our whole cohort had a really great tour in the DiD exhibition, and it was so fantastic we decided to post up our experiences as a blog to share the experiences we had during the tour.
We hope that after reading our reflections, you will consider coming down to DID yourself! Just as we have been impacted, we believe Your life will never be the same again. (=

To find out more about the DiD tours, you can call the Booking Hotline @ 64606222 or check out the website at Navigate around using the tabs above.

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