Sunday, November 8, 2009 . DiD by Sor SinYee BZSE T01
1:49 PM

Before the DiD tour, the first thing came to my mind was that who would want to pay so much for the ticket only to enter an exhibition whose only visual image was jet-black darkness. To my surprise, for the first time in my life, I was relying on a total stranger for guidance in complete darkness. By comparison, my everyday life seemed so strange. Later I was to discover that my faithful guide – Wesley - was a blind man. And to his credit, it was him, and not me, who was leading the way!

Before the exhibition I had been to parks, crossed streets, shopped at markets and visited bars and cafes, but on that day with him in that pitch-black void, those oh-so normal experiences seemed unusual and foreign to me. Shocked, curious & nervous, I was gradually awakening to the most impressive discovery of my life. As far back as I could remember, I had never felt so small, humbled and yet, somehow, more connected and bigger than ever before.

Even though they live their life with some restrictions, in this place which has the theme of darkness, they do not require assistance from those who are sighted, but instead offer assistance as a guide to those who are not familiar with the dark. At this exhibition darkness is a symbol of difference, different ways of life, and understanding the differences as they aim to provide a platform for contact between people from different backgrounds.

By swapping rolls, I come to realize that the differences between a life without eyesight compared to the life we use to live, and get to know that the people who were judged in a different light by their disability are the same as people like us - the only differences being common human universal themes.

This exhibition can show people about humanity's potential for an abundant life in the darkness that can't be seen normally in one's daily life. This simulated experience helps to increase people's respect for and tolerance of those who are different. The darkness becomes a place for unencumbered communication and a beneficial exchange.

This exhibition also provides a valuable experience and a new feel. It is a must to experience it at least once!



Welcome to the blog of BZSE 2008 about our takeaways after visiting the one-and-only Dialogue-in-the-Dark (DiD) exhibition in Singapore, at Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
BZSE 2008 represents the pioneer cohort of students from the Diploma in Business & Social Enterprise (BZSE), the one-and-only such diploma programme in Singapore.

BZSE is housed in the School of Humanities in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. It's the coolest diploma ever - we learn about creating businesses with a social cause.

Our whole cohort had a really great tour in the DiD exhibition, and it was so fantastic we decided to post up our experiences as a blog to share the experiences we had during the tour.
We hope that after reading our reflections, you will consider coming down to DID yourself! Just as we have been impacted, we believe Your life will never be the same again. (=

To find out more about the DiD tours, you can call the Booking Hotline @ 64606222 or check out the website at Navigate around using the tabs above.

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