Sunday, November 8, 2009 . Cheryl T01 - My experience in DiD
1:14 PM

credits to here.
A light in the dark.

The DiD tour did manage to fulfil my expectations and more. I had visualized wandering around in darkness, something not unlike school night walks where we had to grab on to the person in front of us. During the DiD tour, we got to hold on to a cane and experienced sweeping it around on unfamiliar terrain, totally having no idea of where we were. During the tour, I was wondering how the visually impaired managed to survive this. At least we went into the tour knowing full well that we would be thrown into darkness, but the blind certainly did not plan to be blind. My guide was Jason, who lost his sight at age 25 after living a life with light and colour. It just struck me that suddenly entering a world without light must have been really scary.
While my group was shouting out random things and singing songs during the tour, Jason (as we could hear and feel) was super comfortable with the noise and us. It must have been really difficult to be with a group of complete strangers. He chatted casually and we found that even though he couldn’t see things, at least he was more at ease in the dark than we were.

I suppose the greatest take-away from the experience was the fact that we’re not unequal. Certainly we might have an easier life in normal circumstances because we are able to see, but when the situations are reversed, well, it was pretty scary to because you’re really unsure of what you do and where you go.

I think that DiD Singapore is a fabulous learning platform for students in the BZSE and PCS diplomas. Not only do we really get to ‘see’ their way of life but also feel what they must feel all the time. It really isn’t just about knowing how the sightless live in the world of light, but really getting there and experiencing it for real. BZSE students can contribute to DiD in many ways. Honestly. As a new social enterprise, students will be able to market it and be ambassadors for it.


Welcome to the blog of BZSE 2008 about our takeaways after visiting the one-and-only Dialogue-in-the-Dark (DiD) exhibition in Singapore, at Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
BZSE 2008 represents the pioneer cohort of students from the Diploma in Business & Social Enterprise (BZSE), the one-and-only such diploma programme in Singapore.

BZSE is housed in the School of Humanities in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. It's the coolest diploma ever - we learn about creating businesses with a social cause.

Our whole cohort had a really great tour in the DiD exhibition, and it was so fantastic we decided to post up our experiences as a blog to share the experiences we had during the tour.
We hope that after reading our reflections, you will consider coming down to DID yourself! Just as we have been impacted, we believe Your life will never be the same again. (=

To find out more about the DiD tours, you can call the Booking Hotline @ 64606222 or check out the website at Navigate around using the tabs above.

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