Sunday, November 8, 2009
. Alison T01 - A new perspective. A journey in the Dark
9:21 PM
I was rather apprehensive knowing that we had to tour around in the dark. However, things weren't as bad as I thought because I had a group of friends with me. One source of comfort was from our tour guide, Wesley. Although I couldn't see him, He was always close for reach. Because of his understanding and assurance, I was able to feel secure in the dark without any feelings of uncertainty and helplessness.
Personally, one of the biggest takeaways for me is that, when I reflect upon the journey with Wesley, I do not see a man bound with handicaps, but rather, someone who is determined and courageous to break the notion of limitation and step into a place of possibilities. Although there are some who say that darkness is the absence of light, I think that light can be an absence of true humanity, because all that I've experienced in the dark was nothing judgemental and prejudice but rather, sincerity and helpfulness.
I feel that having DID Singapore in NP is a great milestone for our school. I believe that this is a stepping stone for us, pioneer students from BZSE to truly appreciate how to run and sustain a social enterprise alongside creating awareness for our beneficiaries. I see this as a platform for us to reach out and serve our community in need. I certainly think that PCS & BZSE will learn a lot from this inspiring model.
In my point of view, the best way we can contribute to DID is to apply the knowledge and skills that we’ve learnt in class. These may include skills such as Marketing, IT application, Principles of Accounts, Social Psychology, Financial Management, just to name a few.
To sum it all, through this one-hour-life-changing journey, I have come to realise that it isn't so much the handicaps, but what we do with them. I've also come to appreciate and cherish my eye sight.
I believe that it is time...
We stop feeling pathetic for those who are less fortunate than us.
But rather, time to join our hearts & minds to...
Empower and launch them out into their destiny.
With awe,
Alison, BZSE T01