Saturday, November 7, 2009
. Bryan WONG Reflection on post-DiD trip
12:10 AM
When I heard that the BZSE course was going for a tour of the DiD centre in Singapore, I felt a tinge of excitement. The reason being DiD in Singapore is exclusive only to Ngee Ann Polytechnic. I heard about DiD through my lecturers and what I heard was only a broad view of the entire concept of DiD.
After the trip and amazing experience, I could only describe it as: "awesomely legendary". Everything within the 'museum' felt like the outside world squeezed into a single building. With help and guidance from my tour guide, Helemy (did I spell his name correctly?), I greatly enjoyed the DiD experience.
After the tour, I learned to greatly respect the blind. Even though they are blind, they were not daunted by the hustle and bustle of the outside world. Rather, they adapted and interacted with the environment around them independently and coped with any difficulties in their path. Being blind to them isn't a disability, it's a 'minor setback' to help them align to their goal in life, which is to be normal like people around them.
DiD Singapore, though in its initial stage of building up and establishing, has impacted many of us. To me, DiD Singapore will be able to address the strengths of the blind and create awareness amongst the general public. By allowing the public to experience what it is like to be blind, DiD Singapore is creating an opportunity for the blind to be the leaders, not the followers.
As a BZSE student, I feel that we can contribute to DiD Singapore by marketing their product to bring in public attention. BZSE students can also intern in DiD Singapore and use their knowledge to contribute to the growth of the social enterprise.