Saturday, November 7, 2009
. The blind can see what we cant see.
2:11 PM
I. LOVE. DIALOUGE IN THE DARK (DID). I was really thrilled to finally get the cahnce to experience DID first hand. And it was nothing short of an eye opener :P
I was afraid at first as i have a phobia of the dark, but just by hearing our guide's voice was reassuring. The role reversal really made me amazed at what the visually handicapped can do. Our guide was very confident and lead us without a hitch. Trusting and relying on a blind man to bring me around was difficult at first but i got used to it soon enough. walking through night walks at camps is one thing but this tour is on a whole new level. I really had to use my other senses and imagination as best as i could to navigate my way around.
The tour has made me treasure my sight much more but the most important lesson i learnt is to always be happy and look at the positive side in all things. i learnt this from chatting with the guide at the cafe. Hamili, i think thats how you spell his name, was our guide for the tour. he used to work at SIA as an air steward before a medical condition took his sight away from him. I was amazed when he told me he adapted immedaitely and wasn't sad at all that he could not see. if i was in his shoes, i might have broken down and cried. The perseverence optimism of his spirit is truely commendable and admirable.
EVERYONE should go for a tour at DID. It will really change people's mindsets about the visaully impaired. As a BZSE student, i am proud to be given the chance to market this great company and even the opportunity to intern at DID.
Marcus Liu T01