Sunday, November 8, 2009 . Francine's Entry ^^
9:37 PM

Having researched DiD before the tour, I knew that this experience would be a thriller for my senses. The notion of having my sight taken away from me, and having to depend on my other 4 senses was exciting; and to be honest, really scary for me. Excited because I would get to experience something new and interesting, and scary because I have never experienced such a state before.
What DiD Singapore gave me was what I expected, and more.
I never expected the feelings; the sensations of being in complete and absolute darkness to be suffocating yet exciting at the same time. Honestly, if one was Achluophobia(phobia of darkness) and did not have the confidence to place his/her trust in their visually handicapped guide, I would say not to go for this tour. If not for the instructions of Jason, the wonderful guide assigned to my group of 8, and the loud singings of my group, should I have been in the tour alone with no one around and have nothing on my body but just a guide stick, I couldn't have been able to make my way through the exhibition and out back to the light.
From this experience I am reminded again: If I am ever lost in a world of darkness with all my 5 senses intact and unharmed, there is still the hope of me making my way of this abyss of darkness and back into the light where i can see things again. But where is the hope for seeing everything in the light for the permenantly blind?

DiD serves as a superb model of a social enterprise to bring attention to the visually handicapped community in any society. It reminds that these people are not entirely useless as what we "normal" people would often stereotype them to be. As one person in my team has said: "We may be kings in the presence of light, but we are not the kings in the presence of the dark." We certainly need help in navigating our way through complete darkness, and so do they in light when they are stripped of their sense of sight. Such negative and unjustified perspectives of our fellow visually handicapped friends should be addressed and corrected.


Welcome to the blog of BZSE 2008 about our takeaways after visiting the one-and-only Dialogue-in-the-Dark (DiD) exhibition in Singapore, at Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
BZSE 2008 represents the pioneer cohort of students from the Diploma in Business & Social Enterprise (BZSE), the one-and-only such diploma programme in Singapore.

BZSE is housed in the School of Humanities in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. It's the coolest diploma ever - we learn about creating businesses with a social cause.

Our whole cohort had a really great tour in the DiD exhibition, and it was so fantastic we decided to post up our experiences as a blog to share the experiences we had during the tour.
We hope that after reading our reflections, you will consider coming down to DID yourself! Just as we have been impacted, we believe Your life will never be the same again. (=

To find out more about the DiD tours, you can call the Booking Hotline @ 64606222 or check out the website at Navigate around using the tabs above.

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